ETHRDP is a Programme of the Government of PNG with funding from the European Union. As with all EU supported programmmes in the country the Contracting Authority is the National Authorising Officer, which is PNG's Department of Planning and Monitoring. The Secretary for Education is the Supervisory Authority of the support.
ETHRDP supports the GoPNG's efforts to achieve Universal Primary Education (UPE) and gender equality, consistent with the national priorities formulated in the Medium Term Development Strategy (2005-2010) and in the National Education Plan (2005-2014). It focuses on human resource development by improving the quality of elementary and primary education, by providing enhanced training and support for teachers and managers in selected remote rural districts, by providing teaching and learning materials countrywide and by increasing access to relevant community based literacy and skills training opportunities.
Implementation started in 2006 and it will last until the end of 2011
What are ETHRDP's components?
ETHRDP works through currently four interrelated components, namely: •Schools leadership and management programme in primary education;
In close coordination with the PNG Education Institute training activities are organised for primary school head teachers, teachers, standard officers and other stakeholders countrywide. Workshop themes are school textbook use and management, development and use of didactic material for teaching, organisation and management of schools, community involvement in primary schools and teaching.
Primary teacher training scholarship programme for remote areas;
250 scholarships are given to selected students in the Primary Teacher Colleges Sacred Heart Bomana, Dauli and Gaulim to enable their two year training course to become primary teachers. In order to benefit from this opportunity students had to come from remote areas and they will be expected to return to their home villages to strengthen education opportunities in these disadvantages rural areas.
In order to facilitate this additional student intake four dormitories are being built in PTC Dauli and Gaulim.
Provision of textbooks and library materials to support primary education;
Through ETHRDP the largest textbook donation for PNG schools was made possible. The Department of Education selected approximately 170 titles from three renowned school book publishing companies and requested ETHRDP to purchase approximately 2,7 million schoolbooks for all primary and community schools in the country. The delivery and distribution of the books to each school is organised by the Department of Education's Curriculum Development & Assessment Division.
Community-based vocational education responsive to industry and local needs and to self-employment.
The Programme supports NDoE's TVET Division through capacity building and technical assistance particularly in the implementation of competency based education and training in selected vocational training centers in the pilot provinces NCD and West New Britain.
Contact Us
For more information about the Education Training & Human Resource Development Programme (ETHRDP) please contact us at:
ETHRDP Programme Implementation Unit
Programme Manager
Address: Fincorp Haus First Floor A Wing Waigani, NCD
Post: PO Box 1264 Waigani, NCD, PNG
Phone: +(675) 301 3574
Fax : +(675) 301 3468