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Technical, Vocational Education Training provides relevant practical skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding relating to the skills need in various sectors of the formal an informal economic and social life of Papua New Guinea.

A wide range of courses are offered in the Techinal and Business Colleges and 133 Vocational Training Centres through out the country from full- time courses for those who have completed Grades 8, 10 and 12. Extension courses for apprenticeship training and short courses to provide further opportunities for the general community and those already in the workforce.

Courses are developed in close consultation with key stakeholders including the National Apprenticeship and Trade Testing Board, Nationnal Training Council, Industry, Provincial Governments and the community. (All courses are accredited through the National Qualifications Framework(NQF).

There are career pathways from schools to TVET to employment, and for some further higher education and training.

All colleges and selected vocational training centers are certified to conduct trade testing assessment and certification for skills recognition for those who have gaind the occupational competencies through actual job experiences and/or training.
TVET is a priority of the Education Department and the National Government. TVET has a big role in contributing to the enhancement of the quality of life of the people through improved economic and social conditions of the nation.

There is an increasing awareness of the need for relevant skills training that will enable people to be self reliant and sustain productive life at home or pursue employment opportunities.

TVET: A technical vocational education and training system aimed at increasing opportunities for personal and industry demands. .