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Orthography-Islands Region
Papua New Guinea is linguistically the most complex nation of the world. Over 800 languages are spoken in this Pacific country as summarized in Ethnologue: Language of the World.

The first three years of learning, children learn most of the things from their own language. Find below are the list of language by the Islands Region.

East New Britain Province

Bilur [bxf] Kairak [ckr] Kol [kol] Kuanua [ksd]
Lote [uvl] Makolkol [zmh] Mali [gcc] Mamusi [kdf]
Mengen [mee] Minigir [vmg] Qaqet [byx] Ramoaaina [rai]
Simbali [smg] Sulka [sua] Taulil [tuh] Tomoip [tqp]
Ura [uro]
West New Britain Province

Aighon [aix] Aiklep [mwg] Akolet [akt] Amara [aie]
Anem [anz] Apalik [apo] Avau [avb] Bariai [bch]
Bebeli [bek] Bola [bnp] Bulu [bjl] Gimi [gip]
Karore [xkx] Kaulong [pss] Kove [kvc] Lamogai [lmg]
Lesing-Gelimi [let] Lusi [khl] Maleu-Kilenge [mgl] Mangseng [mbh]
Meramera [mxm] Miu [mpo] Mouk-Aria [mwh] Muduapa [wiv]
Nakanai [nak] Pele-Ata [ata] Sengseng [ssz] Solong [aaw]
Uneapa [bbn] Unserdeutsch [uln]
New Ireland Province

Barok [bjk] Guramalum [grz] Kandas [kqw] Kara [leu]
Konomala [koa] Kuot [kto] Label [lbb] Lavatbura-Lamusong [lbv]
Lihir [lih] Madak [mmx] Mandara [tbf] Mussau-Emira [emi]
Nalik [nal] Notsi [ncf] Patpatar [gfk] Siar-Lak [sjr]
Sursurunga [sgz] Tangga [tgg] Tenis [tns] Tiang [tbj]
Tigak [tgc] Tungag [lcm]
Manus Province

Andra-Hus [anx] Baluan-Pam [blq] Bipi [biq] Elu [elu]
Ere [twp] Kele [sbc] Khehek [tlx] Koro [kxr]
Kurti [ktm] Leipon [lek] Lele [lle] Lenkau [ler]
Likum [lib] Loniu [los] Lou [loj] Mokerang [mft]
Mondropolon [npn] Nali [nss] Nauna [ncn] Nyindrou [lid]
Pak-Tong [pkg] Papitalai [pat] Penchal [pek] Ponam [ncc]
Seimat [ssg] Sori-Harengan [sbh] Titan [ttv] Tulu-Bohuai [rak]
Wuvulu-Aua [wuv]
Autonomous Region of Bougainville

Askopan [eiv] Bannoni [bcm] Daantanai? [lni] Hahon [hah]
Hako [hao] Halia [hla] Koromira [kqj] Lawunuia [tgi]
Naasioi [nas] Nehan [nsn] Nukumanu [nuq] Nukuria [nur]
Ounge [oue] Papapana [ppn] Petats [pex] Ramopa [kjx]
Rapoisi [kyx] Rotokas [roo] Saposa [sps] Sibe [nco]
Simeku [smz] Siwai [siw] Solos [sol] Takuu [nho]
Teop [tio] Terei [buo] Tinputz [tpz] Torau [ttu]
Uisai [uis]